Inspire Critical Thinking 2023/24

Welcome to Inspire Critical Thinking…

Inspire Critical Thinking Virtual & Residential Summer Schools

How does Critical Thinking Benefit Me?

Workshop Challenges:
Submit one super challenge piece per workshop for a chance to win a £10 giftcard. Email your submission to and let us know your name, school, year group and whether you are happy for us to share your work on social media. Submit your entries by 26th January 2024!

I’d like some Extra support…

Click to learn about Inspire Travel & Digital Assistance Awards


Who can take part in Inspire Critical Thinking?

Inspire Critical Thinking is open to all pupils in Years 9, 10 & 11 at non-selective UK state schools! You do not need particular grades or be taking particular GCSE subjects to take part.

How do I register for Inspire Critical Thinking?

Registration to take part in Inspire Critical Thinking for the 2023/24 academic year will open in November 2023. The first class will then be released in January 2024. You can register by filling out the forms at the top of this page.

If you are an Inspire Scholar on our Inspire Scholars Programme for Years 9, 10 & 11 you are automatically registered for Inspire Critical Thinking, and do not need to register again.

Can I access Inspire Critical Thinking courses from previous years?

Yes, you can, however the competitions will no longer be live. Follow this link to access the previous years’ Inspire Critical Thinking classes.